
Monday, November 15, 2010

In Christ Alone

Words.  Big words.  Little words. You name it.  Without God at the center, I can see myself pursuing a life of knowledge rather than a life lived for Christ.  I get prideful when I think I am more knowledgeable about a subject than someone else.  I have to continuously remind myself that simply knowing God's Word is NOT enough.  What truly matters is that I love God first, and then love those around me.  I think there is a verse somewhere in the New Testament that says Faith without works is dead.  This could be a outrageous amount of paraphrasing, but it makes sense.  If I merely read Scripture, say that was nice, and then fail to act upon what I have learned, I am doomed for religion rather than having a relationship with Him.  What I am discussing might be a common subject matter in the Church, but that does not mean that it isn't an important concept.  I've sure missed out on so much just by sitting on the sidelines and not getting my hands dirty in the work that God has placed before me.  I am a reflective person, and I tend to over analyze things.  Sometimes, my thoughts keep me from listening to His quiet prompting.  Again I should look this one up:  Your thoughts are my thoughts.  I should have my Bible on hand, but that requires me to get up.  Woe is me, that requires way too much effort on my part.  The book of Proverbs has lots to say about sluggards like myself :) I wouldn't say there is any real theme or purpose to what I'm writing, but, hey, this is my blog after all.  I can write whatever the heck I want.  I can't wait to write my mission statement this week, thanks to Pastor Ted's message this week.  This upcoming week should be an interesting mixture of responsibilities and free time.  I spent some time at a place called Coffee Garden today.  I loved it!  They have an outdoor sitting area with a garden backdrop.  Quite the study spot, if I do say so myself.  I am a creature of habit, like the next American, but I like to switch up from time to time.  I get tired of being in the same places all the time, and my sense of adventure kicks in.  I wouldn't say my type of adventure is similar to most people's.  I have no problem going places by myself.  Some of the most fun times are when I remove myself from others for part of a day and relax for a short time.  I can be a people person, but I am a homebody as well.  Before I ramble on much more, I should probably bring this to a close.  If I am getting tired of writing, then you must be tired of reading it.  Three words of parting:  In Christ Alone.  Love that song by the way!

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