
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Have to Start Somewhere

This is my first attempted blog, so bear with me.  I think blogs were originally popularized because they allow people to write about what they generally know best, themselves.  By no means, do I think that I have the most interesting life out there.  It seems to be quite the opposite, all things considered.  I have a simple existence, and yet, I desire to be more than just another blip on this radar called Earth. 

Thus far, I do not have any witty quotations or brilliant pieces of inspiration for you.  Sorry to disappoint.  For all I know, this may or may not come to me more naturally with time.  I am a dreamer by day and owl by night.  I am almost entirely certain most of my posts will be composed during the wee hours of the morning.  This tends to be when my mind is most active. 

In future blogs, I hope to include funny stories/experiences, more serious brainstorms of my own, spiritual matters, and anything else that tickles my fancy.  I cannot guarantee much beyond the fact that I love to write, and write I must while I have the chance.  Cheers!

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