
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Pictures Beyond Words

When my eyes spotted the prayer concerning serenity, I knew instantly that I wanted to make this my anthem throughout the upcoming weeks.  
     I feel closest to God in the midst of His creation.  The more I experience of His Nature and what people consider to be 'nature', such as the mountains and the ocean, the more hungry I become to explore what He has in store for me.  
     One day at work, I created a fake name of Serenity on my nametag simply for laughs.  Before I knew it, customers right and left were asking me if I was truly as calm as my 'name' would suggest.  I smiled to myself off-and-on thinking what fun it is to see people's reactions to the names I create for myself.  I did not necessarily feel more peaceful just because my name was more unique.  People that know me best would not typically characterize me as being a cool cucumber or a tranquil swan.  I have gone on a tangent about this work experience but it still makes me wonder how I might feel more at peace with myself, especially in regards to my faith.  I must say that I am on the journey to discovering who I am and what I believe.  
     I know everybody states that their family is the most important thing in their life.  I have said this in the past without completely believing it.  Over the past few months, my sister and myself have been spending a greater amount of time in each other's company.  It's been a blast!  Somehow we manage to bicker while "getting along" simultaneously.  We are four-and-a-half years apart.  Not long ago, I felt like I was ions away from her in terms of our ages and life experiences.  I am tired of the stereotypical role I am supposed to play as the older sister.  Yes, I want to be a role model for her.  Yes, I am not always nice to her (I am human after all and not a morning person).  Yes, our personality differences sometimes get in the way of our relationship.  She is more outgoing and a people person while I am introspective and can be a loner.  God placed us in the same family for a reason.  I guess we balance each other out in terms of our dispositions and interests.  
     Where am I going with all of this?  In my opinion, serenity (or whatever synonym of this word you can come up with)  looks different for every individual.  I suppose a peaceful existence for me consists of having a regular time in the Word enhanced with some journaling of my own, some alone time to reflect and relax, and being able to explore in the great outdoors from time to time.  
     My challenge is to take hold of the promises God has already laid out for me in His Word.  To use a commonly misunderstood term in the Christian realm, I will meditate on the words of scripture rather than giving them a cursory glance and being done with it all.  Without looking for a formal definition of meditation, I believe it simply involves first memorizing a passage of scripture and then continuing to reflect back upon its applicability to my own walk with God.  I do not have a degree in theology nor have I been to seminary school.  However, God does not favor the theologians and scholars over those that are coming from more humble origins in terms of their familiarity with Biblical teachings.  I could go on for days with this blog entry...  
     It is probably best for me to wrap up what I have been stating thus far.  From what I can gather, I commonly begin my writings with a seemingly simplistic word or phrase and then proceed to built upon an abstract idea with more concrete concepts.  I am not sure if I have made enough connection between paragraphs but this is not a argumentative essay or a college thesis.  It is simply some more rambling on my behalf for the sake of my readers, if there are any.  :)  Hope you enjoyed the pictures.  Apparently, they are worth more than any of the words I have just written. 

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