
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Signs Facebook Is Taking Over Your Life

  1.     Generally, it is the first website you type in while surfing the net.
  2.     You have specifically taken photos with the intention of uploading them to  facebook.
  3.    You communicate with someone either in the same room or in the same house you currently reside in.
  4.    You sit on there, even when there isn’t any new news showing up.
  5.    You accept friend requests even from people you haven’t met in real life
  6.    You’ve been hooked on Farmville, Mafia Wars, Mousehunt, etc… or any other game on there for that matter.
  7.    You update your status more than once a day
  8.    You are guilty of facebooking stalking (not as uncommon as you may think).
  9.    You have more than say 500 friends.
  10.  You create events frequently on there without inviting at least some of the people in person
  11.    Your facebook messaging has all but replaced your regular email
  12.    You hold multiple poking wars at once.
  13.    You have albums and albums of photos from everything from your new haircut to your second cousin’s first birthday party.
  14.   You have filled out most of the info categories for your profile such as favorite books, movies, and your personal hobbies. 
  15.   You have more than 75 listed profile pictures.
  16.  Your entire extended family and your goldfish are listed on your profile information.
  17.    You are always on facebook chat (or what might seem like it).
  18.   You have a daily fortune cookie.
  19.    If you ‘check-in’ for all the snazzy places you go around town and on vacation. 
  20. You shamelessly  link your blog for each new entry in hopes of getting more page viewers. *cough* me *cough* 
  21.  You have liked 100+ pages (such as for celebrities, bands, or foods).
  22.  You are logged in between the hours of 3 A.M. to 6 A.M.
  23.  You have a facebook mobile app on your smartphone. 
  24.  You have listed ALL the jobs you have ever held including babysitting and mowing lawns as a pre-teen.
  25. You provide commentary and feedback for your favorite sports team on a regular basis.
  26. You like individual comments for almost every status update you either write or comment on.
  27. You have listed out your phone number, address, bank account number, and social security number (hopefully no one would do this with the last two).
  28.  You update your about me more than two or three times a year.
  29. You’ve filled out surveys about yourself and posted them as notes. 
  30. You’ve been spammed more than your fair share and you never learn your lesson to never click on something that looks questionable or too good to be true.
  31. You log on multiple times a day hoping you will have a new message or notication.
My intention for doing this was not to step on people’s toes.  I wanted to poke fun at the wide-spread popularity of Facebook.   I am a self-admitted Facebook addict so you are in good company if you can answer yes to more than ten of these. 
The numbers I have underlined, I am guilty myself of doing.

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